“… And I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles…”
Or make that 1,600 miles actually!
Throughout November and Lockdown 2.0 the Laser Red team were challenged to walk, as a collective, 3 million steps in 22 days! It might sound like a lot, but we smashed the target, achieving a total of 3,238,360 steps, which is the equivalent of 1,600 miles or the same distance as walking from our Grimsby office to Moscow!
The team target meant each person had to walk roughly 6,500 steps every day for 22 days, which was a tall order for those who usually record only 20 a day! We also had a few isolations and illnesses during the time, so we had to work together to make up the steps of those unable to leave the house.
The idea behind the madness was to get out and about during the second lockdown of the year. 30-minutes walking per day has been proven to reduce stress and better mental health. We have all seen the stats on the rise in mental health issues during 2020, mostly with isolation and lockdowns to blame for the staggering increases. So to better both our physical and mental wellbeing, our team took the challenge in their stride.
Our biggest achiever recorded 34,039 steps in one day, which is about 3 and a half hours of walking!
Even though the challenge is over, many of the team have expressed how much healthier and better they feel for getting out and about more. So we are hoping to continue this fitness streak for a while yet!